mkheightmap | Height-Slang Reference | 2008-06-25 |
Height-Slang is a language for the definition of heightmaps [0]. It is used in mkheightmap, itself being a powerfull tool (a part of the puzzle of picogen [1]) to generate heightmaps on the command-line.
Height-Slang Reference
The next sections show the currently supported instructions of height-slang, following this convention:
Note that there is only one data type in Height-Slang: real. This means we have to introduce kludges to anyway be able to solve boolean expressions:
A real-value is considered true, if and only if , else it is considered false
This rule applies to the first parameter of the "?"-function, and to any parameter of the logical functions "and", "or", "xor", "not". Additionaly, a value of either 1.0 (true) or 0.0 (false) is returned by the comparison functions, so they can safely be used for the "?"-function as the first parameter, but also as a "on/off"-factor in general expressions (that leads to a kind of branch free code).
functions with one parameter
functions with two parameters
functions with three parameters
configurable functions with two parameters
([2 LayeredNoise
seed(<positive integer>) <default: 42>
frequency(<positive integer>) <default: 2>
layercount(<positive integer>) <default: 4>
noisemapfilter(<nearest|bilinear>) <default: bilinear>
persistence(<1-dimensional HS expression>) <default: 0.5>
levelEvaluationFunction(<1-dimensional HS expression>)) <default: x>
] parameter_a parameter_b
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